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Emptiness Page 4

  Reqa cried out in tears.


  She fell on her knees, and just stared at Lerui's lifeless, mutilated body. Her survival instincts didn't kick in. She just looked at her sister's remains, and moments later the monster towered over her. It picked her up, raised her high, and then slammed her back onto its knee. Her backbone snapped and she broke in half amidst a scream of pain. Then the monster ripped off her head, dropped it on the ground, and stomped on it.

  It was over.

  It killed them all.

  Then it raised its arms towards the sky and began to laugh.

  It laughed for several minutes, and then it slowly stopped and sat down.

  The madness began to fade, my mind began to clear, and I could feel my body assuming its normal shape. I knew, that it was time to wake up.


  I awoke.

  My head was aching, and my heart was beating fast.

  `What a nightmare...' I said to myself silently, as I stared downwards. I dared not look around, but I knew it was foolish of me. It was all just a bad dream, and it was over.

  Eventually, my heart slowed down, and I looked up.


  The camp lay in ruin. There was blood all over the grass. I shook my head.


  I looked around, and suddenly I spotted something on the ground. A severed arm, looking like the arm of an elven girl.

  `No... It was just a dream. It couldn't be real... It can't be real!'

  I walked closer, hoping it would vanish, but it stayed. A bit further away I spotted Lerui's body.

  Then I looked towards Carrie's tent.

  It lay in ruin, like in the dream.


  I rushed to the tent, and dug into the remains like I was possessed.

  And then I found her...

  There she lay, in a puddle of her own blood, with a large wound on her chest.

  I fell on my knees.


  Tears littered my face. I held her lifeless hand, and just cried, and cried...

  It was no dream. It was all real.

  `What if I'm still dreaming? Please, Carrie... Tell me I'm still just having a nightmare! Tell me I will wake up and you'll still be here... Please...'

  I didn't want to accept the truth, but slowly I had no choice but to realize that it was all real.

  Then I spotted her gift. The last gift she ever gave to me.

  I picked up the shining dagger, and slightly pressed the tip against my finger. It was very sharp, it cut me easily. The pain wouldn't make the nightmare go away. That nightmare was reality. I suddenly realized that I killed her.

  That monster... was me. It killed her. I killed her.

  I did not deserve to live.

  I took the dagger, and stabbed it deep in my chest, right through my heart. A moment later, everything felt dim and darkness fell upon me. Just before I lost consciousness, I heard the monster's laughter from within. It just laughed and laughed...

  Until everything faded away...

  A simple merchant

  Aaron Chraem's house, in the Ess'yerian town of Drraum, present day (2 years, 3 months, and 11 days before Twilightfall)

  `Beautiful! Aaron, this is simply beautiful!' my unwelcome visitor exclaims, as he carefully examines the magical dagger I handed to him. He smooths his gloved left hand up and down the blade, and admires the weapon with a smile. And what a smile that is...

  `I'm so glad you're satisfied, Zack! It wasn't easy to get...'

  `Yes, yes... I can imagine.' he replies, barely giving notice to me. He can't seem to be able to get his eyes off the blade.

  `Now what the Hell do you want with that anyway? When you told me you wanted me to get this thing, I didn't believe my ears. I thought you still had that sword of yours, the Sword of Fury...'

  He turns towards me with a surprised look on his face.

  `Of course I do! I'd never part with her.'

  He slowly reaches out his right arm. In a matter of seconds, the magical blade creeps forth from his palm. At first, it seems like a black tentacle, but as it keeps crawling ever further, it quickly takes the shape of a blade. Finally, the hilt and guard take shape in his hand. He now stands before me with the most terrifying weapon I have ever seen. The Sword of Fury!

  A fearsome weapon, even the very sight of which strikes fear into the heart. The blade, a Riftblade, is jet black, said to be magically forged from a planar Rift. They say that the very touch of the blade causes insufferable pain. The silver hilt and guard are adorned with countless magical runes, making it a devastatingly powerful magical sword. Lightning crackles threateningly on its surface every now and then, visibly evidencing its magical power. The greatest magic of this weapon comes from the soul of the long dead sorceress whose spirit is imprisoned inside the Riftblade. Legend has it that she willingly merged herself with the original weapon in order to create this sword of unmatched power, so that it may be used to kill a powerful demon who had taken her lover's life. It is said, that the demon met a gruesome end at the tip of this blade. A mere legend, some may say, but those who have seen what this sword can do tend to believe the legends surrounding it. As do I...

  `Here she is, Aaron! As you can see, I still have her.'

  `Yes, I can see! You didn't need to show me, I would have believed your word...'

  `Why so nervous, Aaron? Are you uneasy in her presence? For a dwarf, your get scared surprisingly easily....' he says, smiling.

  `Just put it away already!'

  He shrugs casually.

  `As you wish!' he says, and he simply drops the sword. Before it could touch the ground, it disintegrates into a puff of black smoke, which moves towards him, and simply vanishes into his body. A scary sight to behold.

  `That's better... Now tell me, if you still have this wicked weapon, why in all the Hells do you want such a dagger?'

  `Just for my collection, you know...'

  I raise my eyebrows.

  `Your collection, huh?'

  `Yeah! You know, I collect extraplanar stuff during my travels...'

  `Are you saying you're just gonna hang this on your wall?'

  He nods and smiles.


  `Dammit, Zack! This is a one of a kind weapon! It's meant to be put to use!'

  `Yes, it's one of a kind. That's why I want it on my wall, next to the other four.'

  `What other four?'

  `This magic dagger is unique, and it's part of a set. There are five of them altogether. I found the other four during my travels. Now my collection is complete, thanks to you!' he smiles. `How much is it again?'

  `Are you telling me there's four more daggers like this?'

  `Not like this. Similar, but different. Each piece is unique. But their power is very similar, yes.'

  Interesting. I wonder...

  `Tell me Zack, how would you like to sell me the other four, instead of buying this one? I'd pay you well...'

  `No fucking way, Aaron... I want them on my wall, that's where they will be. Period. So, how much again?'

  Well, it was worth a try...


  With this guy, it's hardly worth to try anything. He's so stubborn, the statue of stubbornness could be carved in his image...

  `Two thousand and five hundred smooth crowns.'

  He tosses a small magic pouch towards me.

  `Here you go! A pleasure doing business with you.'

  He smiles, and prepares to teleport away with the dagger.

  `Hold on a minute! Not so fast...'

  He looks at me in surprise.


  `I wanna count the money first...'

  `Don't you trust me?' he smiles.


  He shrugs.

  `Have it your way, just count quickly, I'm in a hurry.' he says, and he begins to play around with the dagger.

  I open the magic pouch and peer inside. It looks okay. There's definitely
more than two thousand in there. I begin to count it just in case.

  `I would prefer to have you out of here fast myself, Zack! Remember, you're considered an outlaw in Ess'yer. Just like all black magicians are...'

  `So? You think some guards can take me down?'

  `It's not you I'm worried about, rather the mess you will leave behind in case you are discovered. Just remember the last time...'

  `I can disintegrate the corpses next time, if that's you're problem...'

  `I'd rather there not be a next time! The last thing I need is undue attention, especially right now...'

  `Oh yes, of course. I heard you're taking some stuff up to Gatestown. Nasty thing, Aaron... If I were you, I'd stay far away from that place...'

  `Fortunately, you are not me. So, I do not lose a huge profit because of your lack of business skills...'

  `Maybe I'm no businessman, but I know well to steer clear of untrustworthy customers. Oh, by the way, that reminds me... Are you still having dealings with Mel', by any chance?'

  `Yes. She's still one of my best customers.'

  `Like me?' he smiles.

  `No! She's better. She knows how to be discrete, how to avoid unwanted attention, how to avoid getting the guards on us in the middle of a deal! And she always pays on time...'

  `When was I ever late with the money?'

  I look up from the bag of coins for a moment, and look him in the eye. He's smiling, as usual...

  `Remember three years ago?'

  He slowly rubs his beard and looks into the distance through the window. After a while, recognition glows in his eyes, and he turns towards me.

  `Yeah! I remember... but that wasn't my fault!'


  `So, are you done yet?'

  `Almost... Yes, it seems okay. Alright, you can go now.'

  `It's about fucking time! You really should invest some money in a coin-counting wand, you know... It would speed things up greatly.'

  `Maybe you should stop paying with change all the time!'

  `You're the one who doesn't want any fancy coins, Aaron.'

  `Yes, I don't want any bloody jade crowns and especially no ruby crowns... but that doesn't mean you have to pay with the most worthless coins of Ess'yer, blast it! You could have payed in etched crowns, that would have been just two hundred and fifty coins to count.'

  `I don't see where that makes a big difference.'

  `Bah, forget it, you're hopeless... Now get outta here before somebody smells your presence. I don't want another three dozen dead town guards like the last time...'

  `Three dozen? Did I really kill so many?'

  `Actually it was thirty-eight... The entire town garrison...'

  `Ah, sweet memories...' he smiles widely. `Well, I gotta go. It's dinner time!'

  He waves his hand, and his image becomes blurred. He soon becomes transparent, and slowly fades out of vision completely, as he magically transports himself away from here. Finally...

  `Just be careful with this deal in Gatestown, you hear?' he says before he disappears. `I'd hate to lose my best source for extraplanar merchandise...'

  `Don't worry, I can take care of myself!'

  So, he's finally gone. Zack Sands... Or Planewalker, as some call him. The most stubborn son of a bitch in the entire Multiverse. And at the same time, one Hell of a skillful swordsman and also one of the greatest black magicians of our time. And one of my worst mannered customers... It's always a pleasure to see him leave...

  But business is business, and he pays better than most. Not to mention, it's good to be on his good side. He's pretty damn reckless, but he's got balls and he's got the skills to back them up. You can never know when you might need some help from a black magician, and he's really one of the best to turn to. He learned the Dark Arts from the legendary Kurt Aurach himself, and he learned them very well. He is possibly the best to turn to in Arghard. Although I hope I'll never have to...

  Just moments pass after his departure, and already someone knocks on my door. Before I could even reply, he steps right in and promptly shuts the door behind him silently. A man dressed in black from head to toe, much like my previous visitor, but this one doesn't have even the vaguest appearance of a magician. Other than that a hood covers his face.

  `Who in blazes are you?'

  `Are you Aaron Chraem, the smuggler?' he asks me in a whispering, gruff voice.

  `You should watch carefully what rumors you believe, boy! I'm just a simple merchant... but aye, I be Aaron Chraem. Now, what do you want?'

  He tosses a coin towards me. I reach out with my hand and grab it. I open my palm and examine the coin. It has a fire-breathing dragon etched on both sides of it.

  By the fires of the Hells, it is Meliorath's coin! So, the champion she promised has come at last! Heh, for a minute there I thought it was an assassin. I was just about to reach for my axe...

  `So, I take it you...'

  As I look up to speak with him, I realize that he's no longer there. Where is he? How did he disappear so easily? How can it be that I heard nothing!? Then I hear his voice from behind me.

  `She sent me, yes. She said you are in need of mercenaries...'

  I turn around to face him, but I find no-one there.

  `Where are you, boy? I don't like these games!'

  Again, I hear him speak from behind me.

  `I don't play games. I take my job seriously. Dead seriously...'

  I turn around, and I almost expect him to be gone. But no, he stands right there, with his arms folded on his chest.

  `Impressive, boy! Very impressive. But is sneaking around the best you can do, or can you also put up a good fight?'

  He replies after a short pause.

  `Rest assured, that I can. I shall demonstrate this at the first available opportunity. I hear we will have many such opportunities on the way...'

  `Yes... Yes, we probably will, blast it! Bloody bandits will come and try to take a piece of my merchandise, I've no doubts about that. We've only ourselves to count on in this matter. So I need some skilled fighters to help me. Meliorath said you're exceptionally good.'

  `I try my best not to disappoint, and so far I never have.'

  `Good, good! What's your name?'

  `You can call me anything you want.'

  `Anything, huh? What if I just call you boy, is that gonna do?'

  `Whatever...' he replies shortly. Not quite what I expected, but...

  `Very well, boy! Then listen up! We will depart tomorrow at night with four wagons altogether. I have coaches for each wagon, and will soon have enough mercs to guard three of them. You and I will go with the remaining wagon. I will lead the caravan, and you will be my bodyguard.'

  `I am no bodyguard!'

  `Nor do I need one, boy, but you will be introduced as such to make things less complicated with the other mercs, since you seem to want to keep your identity in secret.'

  `Very well... What of payment?'

  `Payment? Yes, of course... I hear Meliorath has a big job for you in Re'Cas. Well, your payment for aiding me on this journey is that I take you into the city free of charge. This, and a little something more. Something that she bought from me for you. A powerful weapon, that you should make good use of. But you shall only have it after we made it into Re'Cas. I can smuggle it in easier than you.'

  `So, you're a smuggler after all.' he says. I can feel the satisfaction in the frown on his hood-covered face, even as I cannot see it.

  `Hmpfh. Let's just say I'm an enterprising merchant...'

  `Whatever... Anything else I must know?'

  `Not really. We have discussed everything. I have to hire some more mercs, and tomorrow at midnight we depart. Be here in time, boy! We will not wait for you...'

  He nods, turns around, and walks out the door. I feel a strange chill running up my spine. I wonder what Meliorath wants with this man. Doorn... Yes, I've no doubts in my mind that this man was none other than Doorn, the most dreaded assassin that our world has
ever known.

  There is a mercenary I'd like you to take with you to Re'Cas, Meliorath told me... Mercenary, she said. Yeah. Right. Who does she want dead in Re'Cas, I wonder? And how will the Supreme Council react, should they discover who was behind the assassination?

  Eh, whatever. Time will tell anyway. Besides, who am I to interfere with Meliorath's dealings? She is one of my best customers after all...

  Speaking of customers... I should go take care of my business...

  Ashes to ashes

  In the forest of Enyth in Ess'yer, fifteen years ago (17 years, 7 months, and 21 days before Twilightfall)

  It was dawn when I awoke. At first I thought it was all just a nightmare. A bad dream.

  I did, after all, stab a dagger into my own heart. Yet I awoke alive. By all means, it should have been just a nightmare.

  But it wasn't. It was all real...

  I just had to look around to see it. Within the camp, everything lay in ruin. Further away I saw the mangled corpses of my fellows. Carrie's corpse was not far beneath the remains of her tent.

  The dagger, Carrie's gift, lay beside me. The blade was stained with blood. My blood. But there was no wound on my chest. I felt weak, but I lived.

  I slowly stood up with the dagger in my hand and tried to gather my thoughts. What happened here? How, and why did I turn into that creature, and why did it kill them?

  Why am I alive after having stabbed the dagger into my own heart?

  As I thought about that, I realized how foolish I had been. What had happened, was horrible, yes, but tossing away my life is no solution to anything. Suicide is the coward's way out. I felt ashamed of what I had attempted.

  But my attempt failed. Why?

  I looked at the dagger for long, and then with a sudden thought I firmly grasped the blade and let it cut deep into my flesh.

  It was painful, but what was that compared to my inner pain...

  I stared at my palm for several minutes. I watched as the wound slowly but steadily sealed completely. The wound regenerated just like that.

  `How can this be?' I asked, but there was no-one there to answer. Not a soul.

  Thoughts whirled in my mind, one after the other. That I am obviously more than a mere human, was perfectly clear to me. But what was I, if not human? I could not answer that. I knew but one man who could. My Master, the mighty Jenathar. Supreme Councilor Jenathar. He would probably know.