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Brothers Page 2

  I truly do not know.

  Perhaps I should find a way to go back to Kh'Tal. I felt at home there. I found my way, I knew what I wanted. Although...

  Although I doubt I could go back and live the same kind of life I lead there a year ago...


  It's strange. Kh'Tal, the forbidden world, the land of eternal darkness. To think that I would feel myself at home in such a place. A little over two years ago it would have been impossible. But I was a different being then. I was a wood elf. Then I traveled to Kh'Tal with Jason, and everything changed. I became the vampire that I am today. In time, I felt home in the dark, foreboding world of Kh'Tal.

  Moreover, I made peace with being a vampire. I accepted it, and made the most of it. I realized that I was a predator, a hunter. I spent months looking for a meaning to my existence until I came to realize that the hunt was all I had left of the life I used to love. I made this my goal in life. To hunt dangerous, powerful creatures. I enjoyed it.

  Jason didn't like it. I still remember the first time I met him after I left Kurt Aurach's castle. I had not seen him for over a year by then, and many things had changed. I had changed. He wore a new cloak and I did not recognize him. I attacked him, thinking he was a traveler. We were both so surprised. Then we fought a dragon together...

  How foolish I was back then. I met him for the first time after over a year and all I could think about was beating him to the dragon, and killing the beast. That's how much I lived for the hunt. It was the most important thing in my life.

  He didn't like it. He berated me for being careless. He was worried about me, but I dismissed all his objections. Then he told me of his new plan to defeat Jenathar, and that he needed a lich for it. So I led him to Belwor. Along the way he learned just how much I lived for the hunt.

  The journey took about a week and we met plenty of opposition along the way. Wild beasts, monsters, a few bandits... Perhaps the toughest one, or as I felt then, the most exciting one, was the creature we met on the third day. At first glance it looked like a bear, but it was something quite different. There were several sharp spikes standing out of its spine and it had a long, barbed tail. Its fur was a mixture of brown and green. Except the head which was covered with brown fur only. To this day I don't know what that creature is called, just that it was vicious, dangerous. I truly enjoyed the fight.

  There were a few moments when we were hard pressed during the battle. In the end, I dealt the killing blow and I laughed at the creature, savoring the moment of victory. Jason didn't like that, either. He felt I was being careless. He tried talking some sense into me.

  `Does this really please you so much?' he asked as I was gazing at the corpse of the fallen beast triumphantly.

  I looked at him, and smiled.

  `Yes, Jase! I can't even express it with words!'

  `You don't need to. I can see it well enough. It's in your eyes.'

  `Then why do you ask?'

  `In case I'm wrong.'

  `You don't like this, do you? Why?'

  He sighed and then looked at the creature's corpse as he spoke.

  `You are not taking any of this seriously. You enjoy the... hunt. That's one thing. But you are taking too much risk. You leave yourself vulnerable. You fight too aggressively. You don't care to protect yourself.'

  `Come on, Jase! This vampire body is unbelievably powerful! I can easily take some bruises and scars during a fight...' I told him, laughing at his concerns. He shook his head and turned to me.

  `Nothing is invincible, not even you. That dragon we fought a few days ago could have killed you. This beast could have killed you. You fought them as if this thought didn't occur to you at all. Do you even bother to think about it?'

  `Perhaps not.' I told her, shrugging my shoulders. `I have already died once. Why should I worry about the risks? What matters is that I enjoy it. Can you imagine how much excitement there is in defeating such a powerful creature?'

  `No. I cannot.'

  `I wish I could express it to you. It is a truly wonderful feeling. It... it makes me feel alive. Like I was alive again...'

  He sighed, and turned away from me.

  `I cannot and will not deny you any of this if it is your desire, Flora. But you should be more careful. I fear that your ceaseless thirst for... for this hunt... will be the death of you one day. Try to keep it under control.'

  `Jase, I'm already dead.'

  `You know what I meant...'

  I sighed, and touched his shoulder. He startled, and allowed me to turn him to face me.

  `I know. I thank you for your concern, Jase. It feels good that you care, but don't worry about me. I can handle the hunt. Any hunt!'

  He looked into my eyes with an expression that I could not truly understand at the time. I thought he was tired of arguing and decided to leave it be. In retrospect, I think he was saddened.

  `We should go.' he said. I nodded.

  `Yes. We have a lich to fight, don't we? Let us go, and let us have another glorious hunt!' I told him. He just nodded. And although he said nothing, I am sure he wasn't happy about it.


  We fought many more creatures before we reached Belwor and he imprisoned the lich in his gem. He never complained about my careless ferocity and excessive celebration of the hunt. But always, there was that look in his eyes. That disapproving look. He didn't like it. He worried for me. I'm sure he was sad that my life had come to this.

  The truth is, I didn't care. His worry felt good, but his sadness over what I had become didn't matter to me. There was no undoing it and I enjoyed my new life, accepted what I had become. I thought that one day he would come to appreciate this. Especially after I learned that he would most likely take his father's place after destroying Th'Mesh. But I misjudged him. I misjudged him, and I disappointed him. And now he's gone... I disappointed him, and I wish I could go back and somehow change that.

  Then again, how could I? To this day, I do not regret those months in Kh'Tal, when I lived for the hunt. After he died, things changed. I could no longer live for the hunt. But I still don't regret the times when I did. It felt good, it felt like my life had a meaning again...

  And today?

  I no longer know what to do, where to go. Where to find a meaning...

  I know I can no longer simply live for the hunt, I know that it will no longer do. Still, perhaps I should return to Kh'Tal. I would still feel at home there, perhaps I could find a new meaning again.

  Or could I?

  I really don't know. Everything is so uncertain now. I'm at such a loss.

  Wait a second...

  Far behind me, in the direction from whence I came, I see something shining in the distance. It is steadily advancing... There is someone following me!

  Is it Zack? If it is that son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill him!


  I sit down on the ground, and wait, still thinking on what to do with my life. As I wait, the figure steadily approaches, and after some time I can make out what he looks like. It's not Zack, but a man who looks like a strong warrior. He wears a shiny plate armor with some kind of symbol on his chest, which I cannot make out from this far away. As he gets closer, I can see that it's some kind of magical symbol, two bolts of lightning and a ball of fire between them.

  I slowly stand up, and he notices me. He doesn't slow down. He approaches, and I can see the features of his face. He has blond hair and he's a good-looking human man. Especially for a fighter: there are no scars littering his face. On his back, I see the hilt of a large sword. There's something in his left hand that he glances at curiously every now and then, but now as he approaches me, he gives all his attention to me.

  The look in his eyes betrays that he finds great interest in seeing me. He is not frightened at all. No, rather... He's smiling at me warmly. He lowers his left hand and waves towards me with his right.

  `Hello there!' he shouts. `Haven't seen you around these parts before...'

  I wave back t
o him, and look at him curiously. There's something strange about him, but I can't quite tell what...

  As he gets close to me, he stops a couple of feet away. He looks at me with visible interest and admiration.

  Men... Pfeh!

  `Well, well! A night elf...' he exclaims, upon noticing my pointy ears. `And a pretty one, too!'

  `What'd you say?' I ask sharply.

  `Oh, pardon me, Beautiful! I didn't introduce myself. I'm Daniel. Daniel Keehmor.'

  Oh shit... It's Zack's said-to-be insane friend... Just my luck...

  `I'm Flora.' I tell him, slowly. It seems he did not notice the unease in my voice. He smiles.

  `I am most pleased to... Wait a second. I recognize you! You were... you were there in my Keep when... when... when... when Zack blew it the fuck up!'

  His face turns angry and he shouts as he gets to the last part of the sentence. I'd better get ready to fight...

  Then the anger vanishes from his face as suddenly as it appeared.

  `Oh, I am sorry for the sudden outburst, Beautiful. I am a little bit angry at Zack right now...' he says, gritting his teeth as he speaks Zack's name. `That Keep was very dear to me, you see...'

  `I can imagine.'

  `To think that my best friend blew it up...' he says, shaking his head, and he runs his fingers through his hair. He sounds pissed again. I'd like to know how he knows that I was there, or that Zack blew his castle up. But given how angry he gets at the thought of this memory, I don't think it's a good idea to keep reminding him of it, so I'd rather not ask.

  As I stare at him silently, he continues, and his voice is calm once more.

  `It's typical of him, actually. It's a wonder it took him so long to blow it up.' he says.

  `Sounds like you know of his recklessness well.' I tell him, trying to steer the conversation away from his castle.

  `Damn right I do. We've been close friends for three centuries or so. That's time enough to see all of his bad sides, I assure you... And there's a lot of them!'

  `If you know him that well, how come you stayed friends with him for so long? He's the biggest asshole I ever met...'

  `Oh, he's not that bad...' he says, laughing. `I guess you haven't known him for long. When did you first meet him?'

  `A year ago.'

  `That's not time enough to truly know him. He's got lots of good qualities, you know.'

  `Name one.' I tell him, sharply.

  `Oh, I don't think you could appreciate that. I have a better idea! I'll tell you all about our friendship, so you'll understand him better. It's a pretty long story, you know.'

  Long and boring, I am sure. I'd rather pass...

  `Actually, I...'

  Suddenly, I notice something sparkling in his left hand. Something that looks oddly familiar...

  `What's that?' I ask, pointing at it. He raises his hand and shows it to me. It is a cube-shaped transparent stone. One of its faces is glowing in a very faint, barely noticeable white light.

  `Oh, this? It's just something I found along the way. Some kind of magical compass.'


  `Yes. It points the way to something. See? One of its faces is glowing. Now look what happens as I turn it around.'

  He starts turning the stone, and the glowing face stops to glow, and another one starts glowing instead. As he turns it further, the glow passes on to yet another face. Always, the face that's glowing is pointing in some specific direction, more-less towards the way I was headed earlier.

  `See? The face of the cube which is facing north is always the one that's glowing.'

  `How do you know which way is north?'

  `I can tell by the mountains in the distance. I've lived here for two centuries, I know them well.'

  `So, it's a compass?'

  `Well, not quite. I think it's showing the way towards something. North is not exactly that way, this is more-less northwest that we are facing now.'

  `So, where is it pointing?'

  `I don't know, but I can almost hear it telling me to go there and find out.'

  `Hear it?'

  `Well of course it is not really speaking, you know. It's a stone. It would be crazy...'

  Oh yes. Crazy...

  `So, what do you mean?'

  `I mean I feel it calling me. I feel it drawing me. I feel something inside urging me to go and see where this stone is leading me. There might be some interesting stuff there. You know, I've always lived for adventure, and this promises to be a great adventure! I have never seen a stone like this before. Look at it, perfect cube shape! One face glowing when it faces a certain direction. Must be an old magical artifact. I've never seen an enchantment like this, and I have seen a lot, I can tell you that...'

  Of course. Zack told me the guy was an enchanter.

  `Will you follow it?'

  `Yes. I want to know where it's pointing, and what is to be found there. Hey, why don't you accompany me, Beautiful? I could use some company along the way. I get the feeling it's far away from here, and it would be nice to have someone to talk to on this long journey.'

  I sigh. I am in absolutely no mood to travel in the company of a madman, to say the least...

  But that stone looks like the stone of my amulet. Except for the color. But after Zack fucked around so much with it, I can easily imagine that his meddling turned it transparent...

  I want it back! But if I try to take it from this madman now, who knows what he'll do... I'd better go with him, I might get a chance to retrieve it on the way. If no other way, then by sinking to Zack's level and stealing it...

  It's my stone, anyway...

  I slowly nod.

  `Yeah. I have nothing else to do anyway.' I tell him, and I can't help but feel a bit of gratitude towards him. Like the lizardman earlier, he, too, came out of nowhere and without warning, and gave a new meaning to my life. I'll get that stone back from him, no matter what it takes...

  `Wonderful!' he says, as we start walking north. `Shall I tell you a bit about how I got to know Zack?'

  Actually, I don't really give a shit...

  `To be honest...'

  `Splendid! Well, it all started when we first met, which was... I don't really know, something around three hundred years ago. Plus-minus ten years. Or twenty...'

  Bodyguard duty

  Guild Hall of the Fighter's Guild in Ashkel, around three hundred years ago (plus-minus ten years, or twenty)

  Zack and I first met up in Ashkel, something like three hundred years ago. I don't remember exactly what year it was, but I do know I was around twenty years old at the time. I was an apprentice in the Fighter's Guild, and I was thriving to become their best warrior. All my life I desired to be a great fighter, which is why I joined the Fighter's Guild of Ashkel just two years earlier. Despite my family's desire that I become a magician, like everyone else in the family...

  But let me get to how I first met Zack. It was an early evening on a spring day that Steubing, one of the Sergeants of the Fighter's Guild called me into his office. He wasn't very pleased, I could tell by the look on his face the moment I entered the room.

  `Close the door and sit down.' he said, looking at me strictly. I did as he asked, and waited. For a short while, he just stared at me. Until he finally spoke.

  `Do you know why you are here, Daniel?' he asked.

  `I suppose you have a task for me that couldn't wait.' I told him, shrugging my shoulders. `Judging by the grim look on your face, it must be a difficult task.'

  `No, Daniel. You are here for a different reason.' he said, silently. Then he suddenly slammed both his palms on the table.

  `Damn it, Daniel! How could you do this? How?!'

  `What do you mean?' I asked, confused.

  `She's the Guildmaster's daughter, damn it! How could you?!'

  `Ah, do you mean last night? Well, how do you know about that?'

  `That doesn't concern you. What concerns you, is that fortunately, the Guildmaster doesn't know yet. But if he finds out,
you will be in big trouble.'

  `Why? Is she married?'

  `No, but the Guildmaster is very set in his ways. He insists that his daughter should not lay with a man until after her wedding.'

  `So what?'

  `What do you mean, so what? Don't you understand the severity of your situation?!'

  `Hey... So what if she's not a virgin any more? I mean, how would her father ever find out, unless he puts his fingers in her...'

  `Don't you dare continue!' he said, harshly.

  `Alright, but you got the point, right?'

  `Did you? If he finds out, he will start looking for the culprit. Everyone in the Guild will be suspect, and you, with your reputation, will be the number one suspect!'

  `What reputation?'

  `Don't act dumb! Everybody knows that you sleep with a different woman every night.'

  `None of them are married, so why is that a bad thing?'

  `Personally, I don't give a damn who you fuck each night, as long as it's not the Guildmaster's daughter.'


  `Shut up! If he finds out, you're dead. And you're too good, I can't afford to lose you. So we are going to make sure that you will be above suspicion.'

  `Well... How?'

  `Even if he finds out that his daughter lost her virginity, she will certainly not tell him anything, and so he will also not know the exact date upon which this atrocity took place.'

  `Atrocity?' I asked, insulted.

  `Shut up! Just listen! Since he will not know exactly when it happened, we will make sure he doesn't hear anything of you in the coming weeks. You will have to lay low for a while. Keep away from the Guild Hall for the next few weeks. Just stay home. I will tell everyone that you are ill.'

  `You want me to stay away from the Guild Hall? Won't that have the opposite effect? Won't it raise suspicion?'

  `Don't argue! I'm trying to save your ass! Now get your ass up from that chair and go home! Don't show up here again until I call for you.'

  `When will that be?'

  `In a while. A few weeks.'

  `A few weeks? What am I supposed to do for so long?'